GET Terminology or put on shelves / Sudo Null IT News FREE

My old post lived up to my expectations and provoked a very lively treatment. The topic is relevant and fascinating, so it's valuable continuing. And IT's time to lay the foundations of understanding and make up one's mind along language.

But original, a a couple of clarifications.
1. The author is not a member of any sects and is not an adherent of any mental school.
2. Articles do not claim to be knowledge domain and do not need to expect in dispute content from them.
3. The function of writing articles is to tell in a simple and understandable language about the functioning of a tortuous begotten system called "man" and to exhibit the shipway of self-development.
4. The basis is both the author's own feel and the analysis of the experience of late generations.
5. If the clause does not indicate specific golf links, and then if you wish, completely this can easily embody found on the net. If for some reason you are doing it lazily, and so you can skip to step 7.
6. Habr was chosen because most populate hither are techies with the power to think logically, use abstractions and generalize the results. And what new language, if not technical, can describe a complex biological system?
7. If somehow you do non like the display flair, base, anti-scientific approach or something similar, then simply ignore this article and doh not merge the author with karma. Let those who are interested get info.
8. Metaphors will be used in the introduction of the substantial. And you don't need to lose content posterior the spring and look up for some hospitable of magical signification. A metaphor is non an exact description, but only a greatly simplified logical mannequin consisting of buckets and stones .

So let's pop off.

To begin with, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba's understand how exactly we switch information. In order to transfer your knowledge on that point are two options.

The first is to create a basis that will serve well as the basis. That is, to make over a set of entities, determine their properties and take all this as a reference point. To make it clearer. The basis is the axioms on which geometry is built, the numerical concretion on which math is built, etc. This option was accustomed produce the speech, then faith, then science. Why is he bad? Away the fact that if continuity is not ensured over time, so the original content will be missed and only an empty form will remain, which is au fond dead, because does non excogitate the fresh properties of the entity. And it turns out that we seem to speak the same language, but actually we perform non understand for each one other, because behind the same forms we see different table of contents. This problem has arisen in almost all natural sciences. There is math which was invented for a quick assessment of valued characteristics, formed the basis. And we talk about derivatives, integrals, small and immeasurably large quantities, often without understanding their animal meaning. What do we endeavor to repose on these very abstract models more complex and therefore the obtained data do not contemplate reality. But or else of realizing our mistakes, we are strenuously adjusting reality for these ideal, but essentially drained models. We deliberately complicate very plain things. Only instead of realizing our mistakes, we are strenuously adjusting reality for these ideal, merely essentially dead models. We designedly complicate identical simple things. But instead of realizing our mistakes, we are strenuously adjusting reality for these ideal, just essentially dead models. We deliberately complicate very simple things.

The second option is to apply alive concepts, which are the most accurate analogues of the described entities. In this causa, assumptions are made in order to revolve around the main properties, leaving less significant ones outside the brackets. This is called a generalization. Again an example to constitute it clearer. In order to explicate to a child what is the line of least resistance in an electric car circuit, the followers doctrine of analogy can atomic number 4 used. Conductors are tubes, electric current is water flowing through them. Water leave ever choose the shortest path, flowing done a system of tubes, with the latest the same. And the child, who can not opine or see to it the ongoing, the analogy will be clear.

In rank to hold the first path, it is necessary to prepare a new direction in science, a new religious denomination, etc. All this is very long and will live only as long as there is a person standing at the origins, operating theatre a individual who has received selective information from him in its entirety. Therefore, we will use the second. Immediately make a reservation that you should non go into cycles in forms. Buckets and stones can be well replaced with a plastic bag and coins. What matters here is only what is hidden behind the external constitute. The forms are chosen in such a way that they are understandable to as many people Eastern Samoa possible with a technical training. Recovered, of course, that analogies will be completely incomprehensible to a person with a humanitarian outlook. And this must make up taken into account.

So how is everything arranged?

The most important organ is the psyche. He is responsible ensuring everyonephysicalprocesses. It consists of two parts: the right and left hemispheres. The first is responsible for system of logic, abstraction and generalization and is called thinking. With its help, we exchange data, social organization it, generalize, and on this cornerston create complex systems. The second is accountable for the images and is called hunch. IT is here that dissimilar inspirations occur in the form of a unreal prorogue of chemical elements or the solution of a convoluted job that can be unsuccessfully fought for a long time. At the level of abstractions, we have at our disposal two computers. One ordinary digital one, which processes a large amount of informant information very easy and uses haschisc tables (in the form of thought patterns) for acceleration, but it does not always give the best answers, but is easy to use. The arcsecond is parallel, which can very quickly solve systems of high-order quality equations, but the resolve is in the mold of non ever clear graphs. In improver, we answer not understand how to provide it with the inevitable stimulus data and the principles of its operation. Virtually women have the most formulated left hemisphere, while manpower have the honorable. Hence all the funny stories near "female logic" and the cause of conflicts between members of disparate sexes. A strong bias in either position causes diverse mental illnesses and personality disorders. The physical separation of the hemispheres through surgery on the corpus callosum is guaranteed to lead to the appearance of 2 different personalities in one person. Most women cause the most developed left cerebral hemisphere, while men have the right. Hence every the funny stories about "female logical system" and the cause of conflicts betwixt members of different sexes. A strong diagonal in either side causes various psychical illnesses and personality disorders. The physical separation of the hemispheres through surgical proces on the principal callosum is secured to pass to the appearance of two different personalities in unrivalled person. Most women have the most developed unexhausted cerebral hemisphere, while manpower have the far. Hence entirely the funny stories almost "female logic" and the effort of conflicts between members of different sexes. A strong prejudice in either side causes various mental illnesses and personality disorders. The physical separation of the hemispheres through OR happening the corpus callosum is guaranteed to lead to the appearance of 2 different personalities in cardinal person.

Since the brain is the most immodest organ, IT must be all right protected from breakage. Therefore, it is supported on a set of basic programs responsible for for breathing, heartbeat, digesting food ready to extract energy, immunity, etc. This is the hardware level and the opening of intercession is almost eliminated, because threatens with very real consequences.

The application programs are located at a high level, some of which are sent to us in the chassis of gene information, and much we create in the learnedness process. This, for instance, the ability to walk on two legs, utter, etc. It is these formed chains that are the patterns of thinking. When a person learns to walk, he first controls this process. Atomic number 3 the concatenation strengthens, this process is less and inferior controlled by consciousness. That is, its formation is the propose of training.

Even off higher is cognisance. This is a metaprogram that is able to control nous activity and create neural connections (programs standardized to basic ones) in the eruditeness process to facilitate brain activity.

But all this can cost taught to animals. How does a person differ from them?

And now we add up to the most important thing. Above all this is an important ingredient that is absent in animals. We call it the part of evaluating our own actions. It is enforced as a go with an dateless issue of inputs and one single output. Its intent is to accept American Samoa input signal totally available source information (including future predictions of consequences) and give an answer whether this natural process is correct or non. Information technology turned bent on personify ambitious, soh I will give an model. An animal (even a predatory animal) will never attack unnecessarily. For this, an event must occur: either hunger or aggression from the outside. A man can fair-minded kill animals for delight. I must aver straightaway that this is not about the moral side of the issue, but sort o nigh the rationality of such actions. In the same way, a somebody can perform some selfless action without the slightest benefit for himself, merely simply ready to make other pleasant. Not a single animal is capable of this, and caring for offspring is just a basic program at the ironware level. That is wherefore when we offend soul, our sense of right and wrong begins to "torment United States". This is due to the fact that the rating subprogram characterizes the action as incorrect.

To have the above more clear, I will give a picture.

I think that so far there is adequate information.

And finally. We all know very well that present-day always flows along the path of to the lowest degree resistance. The physical model of our brain is just the analogue of such a network, where the synaptic connections between neurons are conductors, neurons are the elements that make upwardly the electronic network, mentality activity is electric current. Therefore, the brain, when generating a control point, searches for the shortest branch of the smooth decision tree to ensure maximum energy efficiency of the process. The patterns of our thought process are just such branches, and the task of consciousness sooner or later to realize that the patterns are obsolete, eliminate unnecessary and create new ones. And this process is endless, as is noesis and development itself.


GET Terminology or put on shelves / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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