Feltonville School of Arts and Sciences Uniform
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences
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- Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Enrollment, Ranking, and Statistics
PK | 0 |
K | 0 |
1 | 0 |
2 | 0 |
3 | 0 |
4 | 0 |
5 | 0 |
6 | 167 |
7 | 182 |
8 | 164 |
9 | 0 |
10 | 0 |
11 | 0 |
12 | 0 |
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences is a public elementary school located in Philadelphia, PA in the Philadelphia City School District. It enrolls 513 students in grades 1st through 12th. It has 15.8 students to every teacher.
Total Students: 513
Pupil/Teacher Ratio: 15.8:1
Full Time Teachers: 32.54
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Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Students by Gender
Outer ring represents school district
School | District | |
█ █Male | 287 (56%) | 50,615 (52%) |
█ █Female | 226 (44%) | 46,815 (48%) |
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Students by Ethnicity
Outer ring represents school district
School | District | |
█ █Hispanic | 312 (61%) | 19,288 (20%) |
█ █Black | 137 (27%) | 48,182 (49%) |
█ █Two or More | 28 (5%) | 8,596 (9%) |
█ █Asian | 26 (5%) | 7,381 (8%) |
█ █White | 10 (2%) | 13,707 (14%) |
█ █Pacific Islander | 0 (0%) | 62 (0%) |
█ █American Indian | 0 (0%) | 214 (0%) |
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Free and Reduced Lunch Assistance
Outer ring represents school district
School | District* | |
█ █Free Lunch Eligible | 513 (100%) | 97,430 (100%) |
█ █Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
█ █Not Eligible | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
* School District values based on schools that reported lunch assistance data |
The percentage of Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences students on free and reduced lunch assistance (100.0%) is significantly higher than the state average of 51.4%. This may indicate that the area has a higher level of poverty than the state average.
Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Families with incomes between 130% and 185% of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals. Schools may not charge more than 40¢ for reduced-price lunches, nor more than 30¢ for reduced-price breakfasts. Students from families with incomes at or below 130% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals.
For 2014, a family of two needs to make an annual income below $20,449 to be eligible for free meals or below $29,100 for reduced price meals. A family of four needs to make an annual income below $31,005 for free meals or $44,122 for reduced price meals.
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Trends Over Time
Total Students Over Time
Year | Total Students |
2005 | 981 |
2006 | 828 |
2007 | 748 |
2008 | 683 |
2009 | 685 |
2010 | 689 |
2011 | 657 |
2012 | 610 |
2013 | 595 |
2014 | 544 |
2015 | 513 |
Student Teacher Ratio Over Time
Year | Student Teacher Ratio |
2005 | 19.1 |
2006 | 21.2 |
2007 | 16.9 |
2008 | 15.4 |
2009 | 14.1 |
2010 | 13.9 |
2011 | 15.9 |
2012 | 13.7 |
2013 | 16.5 |
2014 | 16 |
2015 | 15.8 |
Lunch Assistance Over Time
Year | Lunch Assitance |
2005 | 0.8460754332314 |
2006 | 0.85265700483092 |
2007 | |
2008 | |
2009 | 1.0204379562044 |
2010 | 0.99564586357039 |
2011 | 0.99543378995434 |
2012 | 0.99508196721311 |
2013 | 0.99495798319328 |
2014 | 0.99448529411765 |
2015 | 1 |
Compare Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences to Other Elementary Schools
Student Teacher Ratio Comparison
1,372.8% | 13.7:1 | |
1,580.0% | 15.8:1 | |
1,598.0% | 16.0:1 |
Free and Reduced Lunch Comparison
State Average | 51.4% | |
National Average | 55.7% | |
This School | 100.0% |
Top Nearby Elementary Schools
School | Type | Grades | Students | Student Teacher Ratio | Distance |
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences Philadelphia, PA | Public | 06 - 08 | 513 | 15.8:1 | |
Feltonville Intermediate School Philadelphia, PA | Public | 03 - 05 | 709 | 19.2:1 | 1 miles |
Esperanza Cyber Cs Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 12 | 131 | 18.7:1 | 1 miles |
Hunting Park Christian Academy Philadelphia, PA | Private | PK - 08 | 196 | 19:1 | 1 miles |
Barton Clara School Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 02 | 801 | 24.7:1 | 1 miles |
Olney Elementary School Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 08 | 849 | 21.7:1 | 1 miles |
Olney Christian School Philadelphia, PA | Private | KG - 05 | 84 | 11:1 | 1 miles |
Cayuga School Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 05 | 443 | 13.8:1 | 1 miles |
Juniata Park Academy Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 08 | 1,126 | 20.3:1 | 1 miles |
Aspira Bilingual Cyber Charter School Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 12 | 196 | 11.5:1 | 1 miles |
Antonia Pantoja Community Charter School Philadelphia, PA | Public | KG - 08 | 706 | 13.3:1 | 1 miles |
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Feltonville School of Arts and Sciences Uniform
Source: https://elementaryschools.org/directory/pa/cities/philadelphia/feltonville-school-of-arts-sciences/421899000054/
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